I can get front then for most everything in QB so I can read, but spell check comes up so small can’t even read the word that is misspelled. I did customize at 115% I really can’t go much bigger then not all of screen will show up. When I do that which is the way it is at this moment, I can’t hardly see what I am typing right now, all programs drop down menu’s are so small can’t read them. I have gone to personalize, display set on smaller. Michelle = Sorry to say non of what has been said here has helped me. If you have a small 19″ or 17″ monitor, maybe try something around 1280×800 or 1024×768. Try 1440×900 or 1680×1050 for example if you have a larger wide screen monitor. You may need to try different resolutions to find one that is the most comfortable. DPI just makes fonts bigger, but if you lower your screen resolution down, everything will be bigger and easier to see. If you’re running at 1920×1080 resolution, everything will be very small. You can try lowering your screen resolution down, as that helps overall. Best thing to do if you want bigger fonts and not have issues with QuickBooks, is to leave DPI at normal (96dpi) and try lowering your screen resolution to find a good balance between visibility and screen real-estate.

It also depends not only on the DPI setting, but also what resolution your monitor is set to. And not just QuickBooks, other programs as well. Ever since as far back as 2007 QuickBooks, non-default DPI settings can cause some strange rendering in the UI. QuickBooks has always been designed to work best with default DPI values. It’s actually the DPI setting that causes it, not the updates. We have identified the cause of the missing class column … it is a Windows Font setting issue, and changing it to the default Windows setting has been confirmed as the solution. Thanks to Alex Wall (and others) for investigating the problem and providing us with this explanation and the solution below:
When the R6 update was released, I noticed this issue and notified Intuit.
Keep this in mind if you or your clients have missing fields or display problems and refer to this post for details on how to fix it.

things look ok in one file but not in another file). Additionally, some people indicated that it may not affect all company files (i.e. For example, in the write checks window people indicate they can no longer see the column for class, customer:job, the billable box and that these fields are missing. Numerous people are reporting that they cannot see fields in QuickBooks 2013 particularly since the R6 update.